Why to choose Kakkupaperi.fi cake topper?
Graphics is made by graphician so we can guarantee that you're getting the best available quality & result! Our production hardware is the high end and will fulfill all your needs.
Our World Wide shipping time is the best, you can have your order delivered next day before 12:00 PM or at the end of day (may vary by location or customs delays).
Our material selection covers everyone's needs and that's why many known bakeries, candy factories, catering services, celebrities and home bakers have chosen us their primary cake topper provider!
Join to our satisfied customers today ! Our key values are trust, speed and high quality.
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Average votes 4.9 / 5 1140 ratings 1139 advices | Why review our products? You help other people in their purchases by sharing your experience. |
Jenni H.
This customer bought 2 product(s)
verified_user Verified Purchase
This customer has posted a review for his order of 09/02/2024.
Eija P.
This customer bought 3 product(s)
verified_user Verified Purchase
Olen tilannut useamman kerran tarvitsemani kuvan kakun päälle. Taas kerran nopeaa ja luotettavaa palvelua!
This customer has posted a review for his order of 08/28/2024.
Jenni S.
This customer bought 1 product(s)
verified_user Verified Purchase
Tilaaminen sujui erittäin helposti ja sain erittäin hyvää asiakaspalvelua. Kakkukuva oli erittäin helppo asentaa (riittävän ohut) ja siitä tuli todella hyvä. Kakkupaperi oli myös hyvän makuinen.
This customer has posted a review for his order of 08/26/2024.
Tiia D.
This customer bought 2 product(s)
verified_user Verified Purchase
Partying Unicorn Cat - Edible cake topper
Partying Unicorn Cat - edible high quality cake topper with sharp picture and bright colors. Possible to add custome text. Sizes from A6 to A3 custom shapes.Upeat koristeet
Tilasin tiistaina synttäreille kakkukuvan ja muffinssikuvat, jotka saapuivat jo torstaina. Upeat kuvat, nopea toimitus ja myös maistuvat, gluteenittomat ja vegaaniset. Tulen käyttämään jatkossakin!
This customer has posted a review for his order of 08/20/2024.